Monday, May 23, 2011

One Whole Year

Wow. I can't believe I haven't updated this in a year.

Actually, I can. It's been a... very full year. We had a number of difficulties, but we're pulling through now. Very hopeful future.

Can't spend a lot of time writing at the moment. I will say we're very impressed with our current doctor. My plan is to take the girls in to see him either sometime before the end of May or in the first part of June for a general wellness check-up and see if we can't get some other therapy options open. Spirit Horse is one (couldn't even think of anything extra like that while we were going through what we were going through).

Oh, and I've been reading a really good book (in the year I disappeared) called 101 Games and Activities for Children with Autism, Asperger's and Sensory Processing Disorders by Tara Delaney, M.S., OTR. I wish, when we first started our program that we'd been given a book like this instead of muddling through on our own. We learned a lot, but if we'd had this, we would have saved a lot of time. Not only are the games fantastic, but the book is organized perfectly for parents who want to get moving on a specific activity or aim toward a specific goal. I really love it and so do my girls. :)

More later.

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