Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Another illness is going through our neighborhood. A friend of mine had to cancel a visit today because of it. One of my kids is kind of sick, but they all seem to be staying healthy so far.

Rachel is now at the syllable level for the sound "ng". I've also put our speech therapy goals on 3x5 cards for both girls so that I can integrate all of them into daily activities. It's a lot to remember (each girl has 4 goals, 2 in comprehension and 2 in production) but it seems to be working while we try to get our homeschooling schedule back on track. She's starting to remember the names of colors (green, yellow, red and blue) and basic shapes.

I'm wondering how to get Sarah interested in cause and effect. She doesn't ask as many "why" and "what if" questions as her siblings at the same developmental age. I'm involving her more in my daily activities, including cooking which is a great source for "what if" and "why" questions, and asking more questions as models for her to follow, but so far I feel like I'm hitting wall. Any ideas?

Oh, yeah... and the TV is still off during the week. It's hard, but the peace in the house is sooooo worth it.

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